Thursday, November 14, 2019

[ ====> Total Content | Embeded Tutorial

Total Tutorial
- OpenCV
- C/C++
- Python
- Unix Shell Script
- Linker Script

1. OpenCV
1.1 OpenCV Tutorial

$0 - Mat - The Basic Image Container | What is OpenCV

$2 - Load, Modify, and Save an Image

$4 - Changing the contrast and brightness of an image!

$20 - Harris corner detector

$21 High Dynamic Range Imaging

1.2 OpenCV Application

[OpenCV C++] Program for Face Detection

2. Study Code C/C++

3.Study Python


SPI Transfer Modes

5. AVR

6. Automative Radar

7.Automative Vision

8. QT

9. FreeRTOS

2.10 vTaskDelayUntil()

4.1 vSemaphoreCreateBinary()

10. Embed Linux

11. Unix Shell,Makefile

Lession1] What is Unix ?

Lession2] File Management

Lession 3] Directory Management

Lession4] Function

12. Linker Script

$1- What is Linker Scripts

13. Linux OS

[ Linux Threading ] Thread - POSIX Libary

15. Tips

How to Install Python in Ubuntu

16. Memory Coding

1 comment:

  1. Thank.. This is a great tutorial web.. I studied more about embedded


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