Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Explain very Detail about MIPI-CSI2

- What is Virtual Channel:

+ Allow connection of multiple devices to same Bus.

+ Multiple sensors are all aggregated sent as a single stream.

The Lattice Semiconductor MIPI CSI-2 Virtual Channel Aggregation reference design for CrossLink™ devices offers up to five-channel aggregation. A different virtual channel identification (ID) is assigned to each receiver (RX) channel. CrossLink has two MIPI hard macro IPs, which can be used as MIPI TX or RX module (D-PHY Hard IP). The RX module can also be realized by a soft macro utilizing general DDR modules (D-PHY Soft IP).

1.We 'd like to realize real time souround view camera system by using 4 camera.
But i.MX6Q don't have 4 parallel video capture ports. Max 2 only. (=paralle1 and parallel2)
So Can we capture 4 camera signals simultaneously via MIPI-CSI2(4lane) ?
According to the reference manual,  it seem to accept  interleaved 4 streaming video data.

yes, that should be possible. The MIPI-CSI-2 port knows up to 4 virtual channels. Those can be routed to the two IPU blocks (2 each). You need to make sure that each stream uses a different virtual channel. The IPU has to be set to accept two virtual channels each.

Attached a diagram I drew during a discussion with FIL about this topic. Hope this clarifies the isue. Note that the IPU will take care of converting the incoming format to either RGB8888 or YUV4:4.4 before writing the data into memory.

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